Directory of Recommended Self Help Books


The Guide to Self Help Books was created so that you can quickly locate the best, Psychologist-recommended self help books. We stay up to date on the latest in self help so you can find what you need.

What are the characteristics of the Best self help books?

The best self help books combine several features that give you the most reliable and up to date information, in an accessible and easily understood format. The best self help books:

  • Are based on the latest research on the subject;

  • Are practical, step by step guides to incorporating this information;

  • Include real-life stories that clearly illustrate the priciples; and

  • Offer a nuanced approach so the reader can customize the advice to his or her particluar situation.

How is the Guide to Self Help Books Organized?

The Guide is divided into three primary sections to help you quickly find the best self help book for your needs.

  • Mental Health Issues include sections of recommended self help books that focus on mental disorders and consequences of traumatic experiences, such as addictions, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, recovery from childhood abuse.

  • Challenges in Living includes self help books devoted to real-life challenges we all face, from developmental issues like parenting, marriage, divorce, death and grief; sexual health concerns, including intimate relationships, men's sexual health, and women's sexual health; family and relationship issues, including family issues, gay and lesbian issues, blended family issues, and communication skills; and personal identity, including men's and women's issues.

  • Personal Growth includes recommended self help books on a wide range of self-improvement topics such as creativity, writing, yoga and pilates, meditation, resilience, health and wellness, success, stress management, and career development.

Mental Health Challenges in Living Personal Growth
Self Help Books on Mental Disorders and Effective Treatments
Self Help Books on Life Transitions, Parenting, and Relationships
Self Help Books on Personal Growth, Self Care and Self Improvement